Halloween- 2003 

The Entrance to Necropolis Arkayn

Twin columns, each topped with Death Angels. The lanterns, candles burning softly, light the way for immortal and mortal alike.

Each one stands about 8 fee tall total, maybe a little taller. The base is an inverted planter, the column is a cardboard concrete form tube, the lantern is commercial, the Angel of Death is from Spencer Gifts.

Here's Ron, Evil Genius (checks date) #1 (it's an even-numbered day, so Howard is Evil Genius #2 today as he writes this), standing against the entrance column. Ron is about 6' 2" or so. ANyway, he's taller than Howard, and Howard is 5' 11". The columns look great. Al lthat's left to do is feather in some marbling and we'll be done!